Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Live Eagle Cam

Wanna watch a live streaming webcam of a bald eagle nest on Hornby Island in British Columbia?

Click here for Details of when the eggs were laid, etc.

Live streaming webcam:

Monday, April 03, 2006

PLEASE READ: Welcome Message & Usage Guidelines

After creating this monster, it occurred to me that I should probably post some usage info. Right now my weblog is set up so that anyone can post follow-up comments (click on the COMMENTS link below each entry) to any entry that they choose. And I look forward to reading your feedback once things get rolling. But please, keep your comments clean, as I have a wide array of folks reading my website, from Southern Rockers to Genealogy enthusiasts to my own kids. So I'd appreciate it if we could keep the language under control. Other than that, I don't see a need for a lot of rules. Happy Commenting!